Mini-Guide: The GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect on May 25, 2018. First comprehensive regional legislation on privacy to ever be published, the GDPR has since influenced most international privacy laws, including US state laws, which have since been amended in line with the GDPR principles or, where no such laws existed, have been passed taking the GDPR as a basis.
The GDPR has extra-territorial effect for companies that process the personal information of European residents as part of their business operations. When a company collects the personal information from Europe and the US and needs to comply with privacy laws in both places, the GDPR provides a solid foundation from which to create a privacy compliance roadmap that meets the requirements of both sets of legislations.
To assist companies with their GDPR compliance efforts we have prepared this mini-guide in the form of quick, practical tips to help them understand the key requirements of the European data protection legislative framework. This mini-guide is an ideal companion to our GDPR Glossary of Terms , which helps companies not familiar with the specifics of the GDPR make sense of most of its terminology